Thought Ship

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digital garden

NB: This Node of the digital garden is still messy and rough around the edges.

The metaphon I like is that an idea can be 'planted' as a seed, germinate and flourish here. This is due to the advantages the digital gardens provide as an environment in which an idea can be nurtured over time

Most sites are organised in a hierarchical, chronological or linear manner. In contrast digtal gardens are organised topographicaly and linked through associations.

The naming around this framework is still being worked out. But Digital garden is pulling ahead.


Take notes and write your thoughts, collect snippets, and summararize things you've read. Connect the dots in your own PKM tool. (I use Roam).

Your notes will bring new insights (or at least new to you) forth. Once a new idea comes collect the relevant parts together into a Evergreen Notes and add it to your digital garden.

As your insights acumulate with non-linear writing you'll be able to combine atomic notes to form larger pieces of writing which you can publish.

digital garden