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Evergreen Notes

Template for Evergreen notes from [[Shu Omi]][video on permanent notes](

Permanent Notes



relevant notes:



This is for spaced repetition method using box system and changing the question tag.

Useful but have to balance against Andy Matuschak saying not to over formalise notes with tags. I'll play with both and see where i end up. Roam is a tool which can be used however my mind see's fit.

His evergreen notes are an extension of Zettelkasten but take it further in so many ways that weren't possible due to technology contraints. The way he simultaneously shows you Evergreen Notes while telling you whaht they are is beautiful.

It's broader than evergreen notes. It's non-linear. Evergreen notes are a type of non-linear writing. Allow the reader to choose their own adventure through the text. Choosing which fork in the road they wish to travel down.

Expand it out.

Evergreen Notes